As Hailey Lynne McKeefry, Editor in Chief, of EBNonline,
points out in a recent blog post, more than half of all cases of counterfeit
electronic components involve obsolete parts.
According to an infographic from SiliconExpert Technologies, which
accompanied her post, more than 89% of all counterfeit incidents in the first
five months of 2013 involve obsolete parts. You can read her blog at
Parts in the defense and aerospace industries have a long
lifecycle so the demand for them remains long after the parts are no longer in
production and the supply starts to dwindle.
Therefore, counterfeiting these parts can appear profitable. :It is recommended that any components that
are purchased without an authentic manufacturers C of C Certificate of
compliance should undergo Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Avoidance,
Detection, Mitigation testing in accordance with SAE Aerospace standard AS6081.